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  • Theology 1 & 2: God, The Bible, & Angels -
  • Theology 1 & 2: God, The Bible, & Angels - Printed Student Manual - 4511-14E0
  • Theology 1 & 2 eVisuals - 4511-14EX

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    Theology 1 & 2: God, The Bible, & Angels - Printed Student Manual

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    eVisuals: It is NOT the Teacher's Guide, NOR the Student Manual. This download file is for use in the classroom. This is a chapter by chapter classroom presentation of everything that has a Figure number and a caption in the Student Manual. It INCLUDES all maps, tables, photos and other important graphics.

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    Course Description: (TH3033 & TH3043): A biblical study of 5 roles of God—that combines the strengths of Systematic, Biblical, and Narrative Theology, in an Integrated approach. 6 credits as follows:

    Theology 1: Units 1–3 (3 credits); and

    Theology 2: Units 4–5 (3 credits)

    • Integrated Theology combines the strengths of Systematic, Biblical, and Narrative Theology.
    • Systematic Theology guides us to study topics, such as God As Creator, the Bible, and Angels. Identifying the topics we want to study helps us focus, learn, remember, and evaluate our progress.
    • Biblical Theology guides us to appreciate biblical writers by discerning their unique readers, challenges, perspectives, context, and contributions.
    • Narrative Theology guides us to recognize the little and big stories of the Bible. Likewise, Narrative Theology teaches us to discern the relationship of small biblical stories to the big stories of the Bible. As the 5 Roles of God graphic shows, in these courses on Theology 1 & 2 we spend a Unit to trace each big story of the Bible. For example, in Unit 2, we trace the big story of God As Creator that spans from Genesis to Revelation. Likewise, as the back cover of the book illustrates, we practice discerning the 5 parts of any story, whether it is a small one or a big one. Recognizing the 5 parts of each biblical story, from Introduction to Conclusion, helps us avoid getting lost in the story; and assists us in discerning the story’s purpose and meaning. The 5 Units of this book explore 5 roles of God as follows:

    Overview of Theology 1

    Unit 1, God As Revealer, surveys various views of interpreting Scripture, from Orthodox to Post Modern. Chapter 1 also covers basic considerations such as assumptions, definitions of inspiration, the canon, and evidence for believing the Bible is God’s Word to us. Chapter 2 is a thorough study of God revealing Himself as the Trinity. Chapter 3 examines the distinctives, strengths, and weaknesses of 4 types of theology: Systematic, Biblical, Narrative, and Integrated.

    Unit 2 traces the story of God As Creator (See the diagram of Conflict Mountain, Figure 4.1). The story travels from the Introduction of the first creation (Gen. 1‒2), up the Rising Conflict of the Old Testament, to the Turning Point of the new creation in Christ (the Gospels). Coming down Conflict Mountain, conflict decreases, and is being Resolved—through Acts, the 21 Epistles, and Revelation 1‒20. The Conclusion of the story of God As Creator is Revelation 21‒22, God creating the new heaven and earth. Throughout the story of God As Creator, up, over, and down Conflict Mountain, Biblical Theology guides us to pay attention to books of Scripture—such as Pentateuch, Historical Books, Matthew, Luke, John, Acts or Paul’s Epistles. In Unit 2, we seek to answer 3 questions:

    How does each biblical book, or group of books, relate to the big story of God As Creator?

    What is God the Creator telling us about Himself?

    What is God the Creator telling us to be and do?

    Units 3 traces the story of God As Father up and down Conflict Mountain, from Genesis to Revelation. Professor Arturo Benoit in Panama, Central America speaks several languages, translates courses into Spanish, and has taught at a Bible College for decades. Concerning Unit 3, God As Father, Professor Arturo writes: “Since my early days studying in Bible schools and seminars, I have been missing a Theology of the Father. I appreciate that we have Christology—a theology of God the Son; and I enjoy Pneumatology—a theology of the Holy Spirit. And of course the doctrine of the Trinity includes God the Father. But all of my Christian life I have been longing for a serious study of the Father Himself. Now that I am reviewing Theology 1, I cannot stop blessing you for this course. It has been wonderful to read and translate the Units on God as Creator and God as Father. I have been so touched by this new perspective of studying the Father—with all His longings, dreams, sadness, and joy. Thank you for filling a gap in Christian theology. In my opinion, even the Church in worship has not understood the Person, the roles, and the love of God the Father. To me, it seems that Jesus is the bridge to the Father—but the Church stays on the bridge (Jesus), without crossing it to reach the Father. This course will help many, like me, to cross over the bridge.”

    Overview of Theology 2

    Unit 4 traces the biblical role of God As Missionary. Consider how much God has always been loving humanity, even when humans were only a concept dancing in the mind of the Creator. Before the foundation of the world, God chose to have a family of believers in Christ—a family from every tribe and nation (Matt. 25:34; Eph. 1:4; Rev. 13:8). Some think the Great Commission of Matthew 28 is when missions began, but this is a conclusion from the middle of the story! It is better to understand that God is a Missionary God, from Eden to the New Jerusalem, from Abraham to Armageddon. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals the Triune God creating, loving, seeking, and saving humanity. The whole Bible, from start to finish, front cover to back cover, is the story of God and His Mission. World Missions flows, not from a Great Commission, but from the very heart and nature of God. As love and light are outgoing, the Missionary God reaches out with love and shines out with light—to share Himself with those He has created in His image. The big, biblical story of God As Missionary arches through the Bible—like a glorious rainbow from first creation to final creation (See Figure 9.4).

    Unit 5, God As King, surveys His relationship to faithful and fallen angels, and to believing and unbelieving humans. The biblical story of God As King spans from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. The Turning Point in this story occurs at the top of Conflict Mountain—when God the King comes to earth as a human. Conflict between the King and those He created rages from Matthew to near the end of Revelation. Unit 5 explores key themes, including: God is the Sovereign King (over angels and humans); God is the Saving King (rescuing believers from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light); God is the Empowering King (equipping His children for spiritual warfare against the devil, demons, the world, and the flesh); and God is the Just King, as the Gospel declares, who rewards His children at the end of the story, and forever separates His enemies from the joys reserved for the King and His children.

    Student Manual $29.95

    Teacher's Guide $15.00

    eVisuals: Make your classroom or group study come alive with these 15 Slide Presentations -- One for each chapter in the book. Includes all figures with all the charts plus maps and photos in color. You will receive instructions on how to download this zipped file. $10.00

    NOTE: Print and translation CDs are available for those outside the US who have signed an agreement with Faith & Action. Contact us for more information.